...to have a family like mine! What a gift this morning has been. As many of you know I have been struggling this last month-6 weeks. My thyroid level is out of whack and I sure have been feeling crummy! Needless to say, our house has not been cleaned and taken care of the way it should be. I am merely trying to keep up with the minimal day-to-day task that I have and that is taking care of Belle!!
This morning Derrick is home from work. We were supposed to be at the beach right now with our dear friends, The Lillys. However, I don't feel like going and Derrick is not leaving me-what a sweetheart! He had taken 2 days off for our long weekend at the beach and is using those 2 days to help us catch up here at home. What a gift!!!
What prompted me to write this blog entry was watching the sweet picture of my husband and daughter cleaning windows together! They worked as a team to clean the glass-top tables and french door windows. Derrick did the high areas and Belle did the low! How cute! She has really started taking pride in helping her family with chores around the house--I hope that lasts!
So, now we have 1 clean room in our house--the living room! Tomorrow we will start tackling the yard---I'll have to post pictures of our work in progress--it's a mess out there right now!
This weekend both sets of parents have offered to come help---Mestlers will come help with the yard and the girl---Carters will come help with interior cleaning, laundry, and cooking if needed! I'm not sure having everyone here at one time will work but it is SUCH a good feeling to know that BOTH are willing to come and help us out in this time of need. How sweet it is to have family and friends like we have! Many have helped with Belle and now several friends have even offered to bring dinners. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
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